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Neutron abandoning Mickey and Jim as they get kicked from school and the basketball team, instead choosing to continue a successful career as a basketball player.They move so sluggishly and play so horrendously that it's pretty funny to watch, such as when Mickey gets hit in the face with the ball and promptly falls to the floor. the wrong drugs, in fact (they had an extended discussion on which pills were the uppers, since the supplier Pedro never found out, and ended up brashly taking the blacks when they were implied to be the pinks). Epic Fail: Mickey and Jim trying to play in a game on drugs.Drugs Are Bad: Arguably a 1990s equivalent to Requiem for a Dream aimed at teenagers and young adults.Disappeared Dad: Jim is being raised by a single mother during the movie.

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Descent into Addiction: Jim becomes addicted to cocaine and heroin over the course of the film.In one scene at night, Jim sneaks to the top of a building so he can masturbate in the nude.Before the first basketball game shown in the film, Swifty apparently walks in on someone masturbating and reminds them that that's not allowed before games.Cue the Rain: The boys are shown playing an impromptu game of basketball in the rain, complete with Jim hanging off the rim, only to rhetorically ask if he's ever talked about the first time he did heroin.Censor Shadow: In the scene where Jim masturbates naked on top of a building, most of his body is obscured by the darkness, but we do see his right arm.Boarding School of Horrors: Not quite a boarding school, but the Catholic high school they attend features a caning scene almost immediately in the film, with threats of a repeat the next day.In the end, only one out of the three really learned their lesson. Pedro is still into drugs but is on amicable terms with Jim, while Mickey has a sentence of 5-15 years to do from his Accidental Murder. Jim does get his life back on track, but only after serving 6 months in incarceration once he hits the bottom of his downward spiral. Bittersweet Ending: Perhaps more on the sweet side.

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  • Big "NO!": Jim lets out one as Mickey accidentally pushes someone who ripped off the two of them (in terms of drugs) off the top of a building.
  • Jim, played by the very handsome Leonardo DiCaprio, does have his face genuinely bloodied and disfigured at some points from drugs and getting beaten.
  • Badass Longcoat: Jim, during his dream of shooting.
  • Accidental Murder: While holding a man at gunpoint on the top of a building, Mickey accidentally pushes him off the edge.
  • On the brink of death, a chance encounter ends up altering the course of his life.

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